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Newsletter – December 2018

Newsletter – December 2018

Over the past few years, Mayfield PS have served as a collection point for the recycling of used Tassimo/LO’R coffee pods, capsules and outer wrappers .  This recycling scheme along with other items has helped in raising funds for our school.  Since we began recycling, we have raised £703 (as at August 2017).

Unfortunately the recycling organisation, TerraCycle, have recently made changes to their storage/collection requirements, and we as a school, are unable to accommodate such requirements therefore we are no longer able to serve as a collection point as from end of October 2017.

We had approached another organisation within our community, to ask that they may be able to serve as a new collection point on behalf of Mayfield PS, however this was not feasible.

Can we please ask that anyone who may have pods/wrappers piling up at home, hand them into school prior to Friday 14th October, to allow sufficient time for bulk collection to be arranged, prior to cut off date.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have supported us over the years in donating their used coffee pods and remind of other items that we still currently recycle through this scheme.

Items currently recycled are:
– any  brand of spray deodorant cans
– biscuit wrappers: any brand, outer packaging and individual wrappers
– Pens: any types, felt tips, bingo dabbers, highlighters, gel pens

Please continue to support us by sending any of the above items into school.


Mayfield PS Pupils, Staff & Community


Dear Parent / Carers,

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of Mayfield’s ACE (A Curriculum Evening) on Wednesday 13th September 2017.

This will take the form of a presentation by the class teachers in each year group; followed by the chance to see the classrooms and meet the teachers.

There will be two identical presentations; the first at 4.30pm; the second at 5pm.  This will give you the chance to visit more than one classroom, should you need to.

Tea and coffee will be available for a small donation.

Will look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Staffing Structure 2017/2018


Summer Playscheme 2017

Tennis on the Road

Join Judy Murray & her Coaching Team, for a morning of fun and informative Workshops at Dalkeith Tennis Club, Saturday 8th October 2017.


New School Tie & Hair Scrunchies

In updating our uniform supplier and ordering processes, we thought it an appropriate time to also update our school tie, as below.

School Tie&Scrunchy Sample

These will be available to buy from the school office after the summer break, at a cost of £3.00 each.

Hair scrunchies to match will also be available, again at a cost of £3.00.

Mayfield Parent Council have applied for a grant to obtain Sensory equipment, we would like to make a room within our school.

We think it would benefit the whole school and their families.  A sensory room would aid in the children relaxing, which is vital for a child’s emotional health.  It breaks down barriers, and offers a safe place to destress.

It can also be a great place for parent/child bonding.

Who couldn’t use a little relaxation in this life, let’s teach our kids the importance now.

To help be in with a chance we need your votes!

The Community decides, which projects get funding at an event held at Mayfield Church 11-2pm Saturday 21st May 2016.

Please pop in and vote for us.

Many thanks

Mayfield Parent Council

Walk to School Week 2016


Week commencing the 16th May is our next Walk to School Week. There will be charts in all the classes to log the amount of children who are walking to and from school. On the Tuesday (17th) of that week it will be Happy Shoes Day when the children can come to school in their ‘happiest’ shoes. We will also be doing our Inter School Walk, a walk between local schools by the JRSOs.

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