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Useful Websites

For information and updates on school activities and events, our local area and Authority, visit –

www.athena.mgfl.net                www.midlothian.gov.uk


School Uniform can be ordered online at – Border Embroideries


The following websites are related to your Child’s learning at school;

Literacy –

www.jollylearning.co.uk.                  www.oxfordowl.co.uk.                   www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/alphablocks

Maths –

www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/numberjacks              www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/grownups


Fun websites with free downloadable resources for use with your child –

www.activityvillage.co.uk         www.literacytrust.org.uk         www.dltk-kids.com

www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies      www.activitypad.com       www.nurseryrhymes4u.com

www.themouseclub.co.uk        www.nga.gov/kids/kids.htm


More great information and links to many other websites can be found at;



To find creative reading for all the family and lots of other interesting information, why not visit;

www.booktrust.org.uk           www.literacytrust.co.uk           www.bookstart.org.uk       www.scottishbooktrust.com/bookbug


The following websites contain useful information about many aspects of Scottish Education –

www.educationscotland.gov.uk/parentzone         www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents          www.bbc.co.uk/schools/bitesize/primary


There are numerous support, advice and assistance websites available, covering a range of issues such as;


Bullying or Cyber-Bullying  –

Telephone/online chat, email or forum support – www.childline.org.uk

Online safety support – www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Scotland’s Anti-Bullying Service – www.respectme.org.uk



www.childbereavement.org.uk            www.winstonswish.org.uk                 www.rd4u.org.uk          www.richmondshope.org.uk                www.cruse.org.uk


Mental Health

www.handsonscotland.co.uk               www.youngminds.org.uk             www.samaritans.org.uk


These contacts may also be useful –

ParentLine, Scotland

Tel: 0800 028 2233


-for any parent/carer who needs information or simply someone to talk to. It offers support and guidance on problems including bullying, problems with teenagers, physical or sexual abuse and dealing with challenging behaviour. You can email parentlinescotlandchildren1st.org.uk


One Parent Families Scotland

National lone parent helpline:

Call free on 0808 801 0323


Ensuring lone parents have the support and information and confidence needed to play a full part in Scotland’s economic and social life.


Parent Network Scotland

0141 948 0022





Family Learning



Parenting Across Scotland


– a comprehensive website with information and support for parents in Scotland



(The Scottish Advice Centre for additional support for learning)

Helpline: 0845 123 2303

Text relay: 18001 0845 123 2303


Young Minds


Call free on 0808 802 5544

Email parents@youngminds.org.uk

Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. The Parents@ helpline offers free confidential online and telephone support, including information and advice , to any adult worried about the emotional problems, behaviour or mental health of any child or adult up to the age of 25.


Stress Management


This website covers practical ways for you to start dealing with stress. There is a downloadable booklet and a free relaxation CD which can be ordered from the site.

General Wellbeing Concerns


This website aims to help you make a difference to children and young people’s lives. It gives practical information, tools and activities to respond helpfully to troubling behaviour and to help children and young people flourish.


Edinburgh Crisis Centre

Freephone 0808 801 0414

The crisis centre is open 24hours a day 365 days of the year and provides community based, emotional and practical support at times of crisis. It also offers face to face support.


Routine flashcards for meal times, chores, daily routine, out and about, special visits and appointments can be found at –

www.parentingposttrauma.co.uk            www.janetlansbury.com

www.thekidcounselor.com   www.theorangerhino.com   ww.ahaparenting.com

www.peacefulparent.com               www.letslassothemoon.com



Facebook Pages – 

  • Suzanne Zeedyk
  • Connected baby
  • ELSA support
  • Great Parenting Show – The #1 Online resource for parenting World Wide
  • Support from the Start
  • Parenting Across Scotland
  • Midlothian Sure Start
  • MADE (Mums and Dads Edinburgh)
  • Collective Evolution
  • The Sleep deprived Mum’s Coach


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