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Today’s challellenge was one that was puzzled the brain!

In our HOME TEAMS we worked together to see who could say the colour we saw not the word we read.  It then became our HOME TEAM CHALLENGE to start our day.



Each team put forward their most confident member to compete against the other teams to win HOME TEAM points.  Who could complete the challenge fastest?

James was the fastest of us all!


4 Responses to “P5’s Weird and Wonderful Wednesday Challenge!”

  1. Poppy says:

    This was quite hard but funny how your brain tricks you.

  2. chloe says:

    I liked it but it made my brain confused

  3. Jodie says:

    This was very complicated but fun at the same time

  4. Finlay's mum says:

    That is one way to really get the brain kick started for the day. Keep up the good work kids. X

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