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How are You doing?

Children’s Parliament is engaging children in conversations about their experience of Coronavirus and the lockdown and have now launched the May edition of their national wellbeing survey, ‘How are you doing’? – 4,000 children took part in April’s survey and they hope to exceed that in May. 

Please encourage your chid to complete this survey, which can be found by clicking link below;

Children’s Parliament – ‘How are You Doing’?

A short report on early findings from their April ‘How are you doing’? survey, along with the newly launched, ‘Corona Times Journal‘, can also be found via above link. – The ‘Corona Times Journal‘ will be published fortnightly, with Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCPs), reporting on life at the moment.


Information from Midlothian Council;

Reporting to Parents


Scottish Government guidance states that ‘ local authorities and schools will be planning how they communicate with parents and families about their child’s progress during Term 4 and many early learning practitioners will wish to share information on children’s development. This will require a different format to those that may have been taken before’.


If you have not already received a progress report for your child this session, you should expect, by the end of this term, to receive a revised, simplified version of the school’s usual format.


The report will focus on:

·         The child’s strengths and achievements

·         Their progress to date

·         Their next steps in literacy and numeracy

If you have any questions about your child’s progress, please contact the school direct.

‘Here to Help’ – GoreGlen Primary Hub Information

Home Learning Guidance – Parent-Carer Information – April2020

Adapted Combined Emergency Provisions – 10April2020

Please see link below for printable ‘COVID-19 Time Capsule’ resource.  We thought this a very good resource for Pupils during these challenging and difficult times.

COVID-19 Time Capsule

#kindnessmidlothian    #staysafe

Please note this was sourced externally as shared on various social media platforms and is not the work of MPS.

As we move into the second week of schools being closed, teachers will be sharing distant learning tasks for your children to undertake through Seesaw. Seesaw allows children to share their learning with their teacher and receive feedback and guidance regarding next steps.

This is a new way of working for all of us and we ask families to be mindful that staff may have their own personal circumstances to accommodate during this uncertain time, become ill, or are even working on the frontline in the hubs, teaching children whose parents are category 1 service providers.

Please be reassured that where possible, staff will be online at various times throughout the week (Monday to Friday) to answer any home learning questions and provide learners with feedback regarding their work.


Please be aware that there will be no online learning set for the Easter holidays and teachers will not be communicating online during the Easter holidays either.

We will resume online learning on 20th April 2020.

Thanks so much for your support.

As a further update to Distance Learning, a new Parent/Carer Portal has now been published.

This portal also contains a form to register to request loan of a Midlothian-owned device for the period of closure, if required for distance learning.

Parent Carer – Distance Learning Portal

Pupil Portal – Coming Soon 

Dear Parents/Carers,

Usual Speech & Language clinic services are likely to be disrupted in light of the current health situation but they are planning to do what they can to offer continued support to children and families with communication needs.

Their website, Let’s Talk and their NHS Lothian SLT Facebook page will be updated with regular posts with guidance on supporting children’s speech, language and communication needs. Also, you can call their helpline using the attached information.


SLT Helpline

Non-Screen Activities

Indoor Activities

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